
All things classic Cylon and beyond.

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Colonial: PistolThe laser pistol is the standard sidearm of Colonial Warriors. Laser pistols are energy based weapons. Colonial military laser pistols contain readouts that can indicate whether or not they has been recently fired. The energy signature in each weapon is unique, allowing tests to be conducted to prove if a particular pistol was used in a given instance.
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Colonial: RifleOriginally used by the Colonial Military Security forces, some of these laser rifles were confiscated by the imprisoned Eastern Alliance Soldiers aboard the Prison Barge in their attempt to escape and help out with Baltar's plan to seize control of the Galactica.
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Colonial: Solenite ChargeA Solenite charge is an explosive device used in demolotions work. It is comprised of the destructive compound Solenite. Unlike a G-4 explosive, the Solenite charge includes both the compound and the detonator in one compact unit. A Solenite charge has a detonator, timer and light indicator as part of the charge's casing. It is unknown exactly how the charge attaches to an object.
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Cylon: Metron BombA metron bomb is a weapon used by the Cylons.

In attempting to discover oddities in Specter's command of the Attila garrison, Lucifer discovers that Specter has ordered more of these weapons than any other garrison in the system.

These weapons were also stolen and used by Megan's children to create a diversion by blowing up the Cylon petro dump during the attempt of rescuing their father from his Cylon prison.
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Cylon: RifleThe Centurions' large, rifle-shaped lasers strikes fear to any Colonial Warrior who gets in the way of Cylon conquest. It also has close combat capabilities, thanks to the attached bayonet.
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Cylon: SwordWorn by Centurions for rather traditional purposes, the sword can also be used during close combats or to decapitate prisoners of the Cylon Empire.
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Other: Borellian Nomen Laser BolaThe Laser Bola is a traditional weapon of the Borellian Nomen. Up to three are usually slung on bandoliers on Nomen, whose Code dictates that they never leave their person or be drawn in haste, without thought. When thrown, they appear as two glowing balls connected by a red laser line. Once drawn, however, they must be thrown at a target or explode upon reaching critical mass; they cannot be deactivated by any other means. Should the Bola not be thrown at a target, the detonation time is around 50 to 60 microns after activation.
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Other: Numo RifleA Numo is a weapon similar to an air gun, which works on compressed air used on the planet Equellus.
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Other: Proteus Enforcer RifleThe laser rifle used by the Enforcers and Prison Guards on the Proteus prison asteroid.
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Other: Ravashol PulsarThe Ravashol Pulsar, developed by Dr. Ravashol, was actually intended to be a peaceful but powerful communications device that transmitted information through laser energy. The Cylon Empire captures the gun and converts it into a very powerful weapon. Captain Apollo leads a band of Colonial Warriors to the gun and destroys it.
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Other: Western Coalition RifleThe laser rifle used by the Western Coalition security forces on the planet Terra.
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Colonial: Hand Mine


3 files, last one added on Aug 21, 2014
Album viewed 173 times

Weapons Icon - Single Image Only


1 files, last one added on Jun 20, 2016
Album viewed 164 times



2 albums on 1 page(s)