
All things classic Cylon and beyond.

Concept Art (Various)


Sceneries, planets and more. Images that set the look for the series.

17 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2016
Album viewed 1551 times

Ralph McQuarrie Concept Paintings


To convince the Universal Studios' executives to finance such an expensive project as BSG and for visualizing the story, artist Ralph McQuarrie was asked to draw a set of 24 color concept paintings which were included in an early version of the script.

24 files, last one added on Nov 22, 2016
Album viewed 1379 times

Storyboard Art


For realizing the futuristic fantasies in BSG prior to filming, an extensive variety of storyboards had to be created. Some of them are presented here.

41 files, last one added on Sep 21, 2015
Album viewed 703 times

Year Two Proposal Script


"What if"... What if Battlestar Galactica had a season two? What would it look like? We know - there was a proposal script written and here it is at!

15 files, last one added on May 24, 2015
Album viewed 695 times

4 albums on 1 page(s)